Early Grammar Stage (Grades K-2)
Children at this age love stories. The focus of the Early Grammar stage is to capitalize on their desire for great stories by giving them the tool of phonics to be able to read on their own. Young students also enjoy exploring and engaging in the world around them. We begin to direct their fascination with the world into praise to God the Creator through nature walks, Psalm-singing, creative projects, and physical fun.
Grammar Stage (Grades 3-6)
Children are developmentally equipped to memorize quickly, easily, and joyfully during this period, so the grammar stage focuses on teaching students the language (or grammar) of a subject – its structure, rules, and vocabulary. For instance, they learn times tables in math class, names of rivers and states in geography, verb endings in Latin, names of kings in history, and so on. It may seem monotonous work for an adult, but children at this age enjoy it!